Sunday, October 17, 2010

Peek into sketch book #05

the 5th post of my sketch book.
Out of no where an idea strikes me and my hand itch to draw something about hour glass.
It was about during poly days, a lecturer always says: "No Money, No Honey."
and there is this old saying goes: "Time waits for no man." 
then i combined these two phrases into one doodle.
the sand in hourglass in the form of money representing the TIME and its draining away and a man trying to save the "money" which also means trying to turn back the time or to savage the time.
but apparently its almost impossible because the money (time) is drifting away faster than he can try to save.

sometime i just feel that time is running out for me.
and i should not be what i am now, i should be even more that what i should be.
like better in design skill, a better me, better confidence, and knowing what i already want.
 but its seem that i'm still floating around and figuring it out.

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